Friday, July 14, 2017

marco polo...the long distance relationship's best friend

it's no secret that the third boob is made of two bloggers who write together. our long story of friendship has been written about several times before. what may be news to some is that we write on two different coasts. we see each other only once or twice a year and we use every means possible to keep in touch with one another. even during my family's five years living in south america, i could count on one friend who would still call me weekly, regardless of how difficult those calls would be to make. before the days of skype, before voyage, before FaceTime, snapchat, whatsapp or even facebook, we made our friendship a priority and we called and talked, even when those calls cost a small fortune. 

over the years our communication hasn't really changed, just the ways we communicate. over the last couple of months, our newest obsession has been marco polo. if you have the app, you probably already know what we mean. if you haven't heard, let me just tell you it is a long distance relationship's best friend. in case marco polo is new to you, let me explain. it is basically a video message you leave for your friend who can then watch when they are free and send you a video message back. i am going to admit, i was skeptical at first but now i am completely hooked. it took some convincing for me to get my other friends on board but once they joined in, there was no looking back.

besides just the fun and convenience of video messaging, there are extra filters for both the visual portion of your message and the audio portion. this may be the greatest thing about marco polo. there is nothing like a video message with my voice distorted to sound "macho." truly. there is nothing better. there is also an option to add people to a group video chat. several of my college roommates who used to live together now talk via polos every day...and it brings me unmeasurable joy and laughter. i have laughed more over marco polo than i have over anything else in this last month. 

let's be real. life is complicated and adding another piece of social media about pushes me over the edge. this one, however, is worth the time. it takes all the pressure out of being available to talk in the moment or for extended periods of time. i can listen to someone's video while i'm washing dishes and send them a quick polo when i'm sitting and have two seconds to myself. it's a way to stay connected in the midst of this crazy parenting life and it gives us something to look forward to throughout the day...little burst of laughter and joy. that's an app that is worth it's weight in gold. 

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